Filmul Eu Cand Vreau Sa Fluier Fluier Torrent

CompetitionFilmul Eu Cand Vreau Sa Fluier Fluier Torrent

Filmul 'Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier', regizat de Florin Serban (35 de ani), a castigat Ursul de Argint - Marele Premiu al Juriului la Festivalul de la Berlin, precum si premiul Alfred Bauer pentru inovatie artistica. Filmul reprezinta debutul in lung-metraj al regizorului roman. Ursul de Aur a fost castigat de filmul 'Honey' (Turcia). Filmul 'Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier', din 2010, al regizorului Florin Serban, a intrat din nou in atentia presei internationale si a criticilor. Povestea de viata a unor tineri romani, inchisi intru-un centru de reeducare, se dovedeste intr-atat de deznadajduitoare pe cat este de tensionata, se arata in articolul publicat de The Guardian. Eu cand vreau sa fluier fluier Actrita Ada Condeescu a stralucit la Festivalul de Film de la Sarajevo. Condeescu, devenita celebra datorita rolului din 'Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier', a primit premiul pentru cea mai buna actrita pentru prestatia din 'Loverboy', noua productie regizata de Catalin Mitulescu. Eu cand vreau sa fluier,fut. '21: Sansa vietii lui' - pe DVD si Blu-ray. Uketic, care a obtinut primul premiu pentru regie cand avea doar 15 ani, prezenta o reteta-minune prin care cazinourile pot fi infrante. '21: sansa vietii lui' prezinta povestea adevarata a unor tineri supradotati, al caror profesor de matematica a lasat candva Vegas-ul mai sarac cu cateva.

If I Want To Whistle, I Whistle

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Daniel Mitulescu (Producer)

Catalin Mitulescu (Producer, Script, Editor)

George Pistereanu (Actor)

Filmul Eu Cand Vreau Sa Fluier Fluier Torrent Online

Florin Serban (Director)

Ada Condeescu (Actress)

Niki Nikitin (Moderation)

Daniel Mitulescu (Producer)

Catalin Mitulescu (Producer, Script, Editor)

George Pistereanu (Actor)

Florin Serban (Director)

Ada Condeescu (Actress)

Silviu, a young delinquent, is about to be released from reform school. Only five days to go. But ever since he learned that his mother has suddenly reappeared on the scene after a long absence and is determined to take his young brother away to live with her, these five days have seemed like an eternity. Silviu himself has raised his little brother and loves him as if he were his own son.
During his time behind bars Silviu has met and fallen head over heels in love with a young social worker who is studying psychology. Time is running out and his anxiety about his brother begins to turn into panic. Without a moment’s hesitation, he decides to kidnap Ana and run away with her. Once outside he gets his first taste of freedom: the wind in his hair, the open road – and his first kiss. Everything and anything seems possible. The male lead in this adaptation of a stage play by Romanian author Andreea Vălean is played by a nonprofessional, George Piştereanu, who is a high school pupil from Bucharest. He and the other members of the cast were chosen during a period of auditions that lasted six months. Among those given roles were a number of juvenile delinquents from a reformatory. The boys were permitted to attend acting classes in order to prepare for their roles. While Florin Şerban was making this feature film, director Ivana Mladenovic also shot a documentary film (working title “Life In Squares”) about the lives of young offenders in Romania.

Filmul Eu Cand Vreau Sa Fluier Fluier Torrent Pdf

Romania / Sweden 2009, 94 min


Florin Serban


George Pistereanu
Ada Condeescu
Clara Voda
Mihai Constantin
Marian Bratu

World Sales

Filmul Eu Cand Vreau Sa Fluier Fluier Torrent 2017

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