Using The Patch Agent For Mac

[KB3696] Deploy the ERA Agent to a macOS client using Agent Live Installer (6.x)

  1. Using The Patch Agent For Mac Catalina
  2. Using The Patch Agent For Mac Osx
  3. Mac Patch Management

Using The Patch Agent For Mac Catalina

There can be issues if you don't use Migration Assistant and use a keychain from another User on another Mac (or even the same Mac). There can be issues about Ownership and whether the Mac User Account you are logged on to your computer has permission to Read it or Write to it. Apple have a Document about constant request to the Local Items. Central security patch deployment and reporting for Mac. Common reporting and compliance reports between Mac and Windows. PKI security for Mac clients for encrypted communications between client and SCCM server. Remote wipe capabilities. Ability to enable and manage Mac FileVault 2 encryption. Technical constraints. Because Qualys Patch Management uses the Qualys Cloud Agent, it deploys patches wherever an agent has been installed, including remote systems and public cloud assets. Essentially, anywhere you can put the Qualys Cloud Agent, you can put Qualys Patch Management. Speaking of malware, it has a real-time monitor that keeps an eye on your Launch Agents. If an unkown app tries to add itself into your system folders, you'll get an instant notification from CleanMyMac X. Keep your Mac virus-free. For the most part, using a Mac is a pleasant, malware-free experience, but no computer is ever 100% virus-free. Patch using the Qualys Cloud Agent, anywhere. Because Qualys Patch Management uses the Qualys Cloud Agent, it deploys patches wherever an agent has been installed, including remote systems and public cloud assets. Essentially, anywhere you can put the Qualys Cloud Agent, you can put Qualys Patch.


ESET business product in Limited Support status

This article applies to an ESET product version that is currently in Limited Support status and is scheduled to reach End of Life status soon.

For a complete list of supported products and support level definitions, review the ESET End of Life Policy for business products.

Upgrade ESET business products.

  • When deploying the ESET Remote Administrator Agent (ERA Agent) Live Installer to a macOS client, the package is distributed as a .tar.gz file.
  • Extract EraAgentInstaller.tar.gz and install the ERA Agent.


Getting Started with ERA: Step 4 of 6

← Add Client Computers | Deploy ESET endpoint solutions

Peer certificates and Certification Authority that are created during the installation are by default contained in the Static Group All.

  1. Open ESET Remote Administrator Web Console (ERA Web Console) in your web browser and log in.
  1. Click Deploy ERA Agent.

Figure 1-1
Click the image to view larger in new window

  1. In the Create Agent Live Installer section, you can select Create Installer or Select existing. In this example Create Installer option is selected.

Figure 1-2

  1. Select Parent group where the computer will be contained after the installation.
  1. Click Get Installers.

Remote Clients

If you are creating a live installer to allow remote clients to check into a central ERA Server, expand Configuration. In the Server Hostname (Optional) field, type the public fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or public IP address for the ERA Server and then click Get Installers.

Figure 1-3
Click the image to view larger in new window

  1. Next to Agent Installer for Mac, click Download. Make note of the file's saved location.

Figure 1-4
Click the image to view larger in new window

  1. Distribute the Live Installer file to your Apple client(s) using email, a shared network folder, or whatever means you choose. Download the file to the Desktop on your client(s).
  2. After you have downloaded the file to the client(s), double-click EraAgentInstaller.tar.gz to extract the file. will be extracted to your Desktop.
  3. Click Go Utilities and then double-click Terminal to open a new Terminal window.

Figure 1-5

  1. In your new Terminal window, enter the following commands:

    1. cd Desktop
    2. bash

macOS Sierra users need to use root access

If you are using macOS Sierra, run the command:

sudo bash

instead of:


in step 10b.

  1. When you are prompted for your password, type the password for your user account. Though characters will not appear, your password will be entered. Press Return when you are finished to continue installation.
  2. Click Go Utilities and then double-click Activity Monitor. Click the Energy tab and locate the process called ESET Remote Administrator Agent to verify that the Agent is running. You can now manage this client computer using ESET Remote Administrator.

Figure 1-6

Using The Patch Agent For Mac Osx

  1. If you are performing a new installation of ERA, proceed to Step 5, deploy ESET endpoint products to your client computers.
Last Updated: Oct 28, 2020

Mac Patch Management

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