Dumldore For Mac

Dumbledore Gets Ripped a New One

By: Sheltie

Establish instantly comprehensive, permanent, real-time remote access, control, and support through secure global network. Flora is an interesting person who has a complicated personality and many walls with many layers. Her upbringing was strict and she believed that because of her blood she was better than everyone else, but that didn't last long and she openly rebelled against those beliefs instilled in her.


I don't own Harry Potter at all

A/N: warning there will be some language in this.

Morag MacDougal

It was a fiery Scottish witch that Dumbledore was facing. And it wasn't his deputy, Minerva McGonagall. No, it was Morag MacDougal. The young witch was right steamed. She had stormed into Dumbledore's office with her magic radiating from her being. Her magic was radiating off her so much that it slammed the door open for her arrival. She looked like one of her ancestors, the woad minus the body paint, but had all the ferocity.

'Miss MacDougal' he greeted calmly as he popped a lemon drop into his mouth.

'You leash your slimy mutt this instant' Morag growled out.

'I have no ide-'

'That fucking asshole Snape. Rein him in before he becomes a smear on the nearest wall of the castle or worse' Morag snapped.

'That's professor Snape' Dumbledore said automatically.

Morag snorted at this.

'That piece of pond scum, wait, that's not right' Morag said, 'he doesn't even deserve that title since that would be an insult to pond scum. Anyway that thing has tortured Harry for the last time.'

'And how is this any of your business Miss MacDougal?' Dumbledore asked.

'As the future Lady Potter, I take a direct interest in anything that involves my future husband' Morag said as she revealed the Potter betrothal ring on her finger.

This had Dumbledore almost choke on his lemon drop. It couldn't be. That ring belonged on one hand and one hand only, a hand of his choosing. He had already selected what he deemed the most suitable candidate, Ginerva Weasley. She was from a light family that Dumbledore not only approved of, but also had in his pocket as well. He even trussed up a betrothal contract between Harry and Ginerva with Molly. It was so perfect how could it fail?

'You forgot to void any and all other contracts Dumbledore. Though that wouldn't do much good in my case since the marriage contract between the Potters and McDougals was done in the old way, in blood and sealed magically' Morag said.

Dumbledore was stunned. That method of magical contracts weren't used any more. Sure there were blood quills and that used the writer's blood, but what Morag was talking about was the old method used before blood quills were invented. Basically you mixed your blood and a specially made ink together and then imbued it with your magic before writing whatever contract you needed the blood ink for. This old way was said to be more solid than blood quills, but blood quills won out in the end since they were simpler and no one wants to do some bloodletting for a contract.

'Now leash your grease pile' Morag demanded.

'Miss MacDougal, I must insist you remove that ring. For the greater good you mustn't become the lady Potter' Dumbledore said.

'You, the lowly house of Dumbledore, dare to demand that I remove my betrothal ring. What right do you have?' Morag growled as her eyes narrowed.

'Miss MacDougal, I am Harry's magical guardian and-' Morag cut him off.

'You have never been Harry's magical guardian even though you said you were. Gringotts obviously didn't see you were and that's why you were unable to access any of the Potter accounts. And that means that little marriage contract you made with the Weasleys isn't even legitimate since you're not Harry's magical guardian' she said.

Dumbledore frowned, he needed to put a stop to this at once. For the greater good. He pulled out his wand as subtly as he could. A good memory charm would do the trick. He fired off the spell only for it bounce off Morag like bullets off Superman. This surprised the old wizard very much since one he wasn't expecting it and two he had never seen a spell get repelled like that before. Not off a person.

'Surprised sir?' Morag asked with sarcasm in her tone, 'the MacDougal house has been known to dabble in spell creation during their long history.'

Dumbledore cursed himself for forgetting that little tidbit. The MacDougal house had been known for spell creation, but it wasn't as well known as other families so not many put their names in the same conversation.

'Now sir, allow me to show some more of the MacDougal family spells' Morag said as she pulled out a short stave, not her wand.

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Dumbledore's eyes widened as he saw this. He hadn't seen staves in a very long time and not in use like Morag's appeared to be. Also Morag's stave appeared to be custom-made too.

Morag twirled her stave about like a cheerleader with their baton. She began chatting in a Gaelic tongue that Dumbledore wasn't familiar with. Markings began to glow all over her body that hadn't been there before. As the markings glowed brighter and brighter Morag's stave twirling increased to an almost blurring speed. Her chanting though remained level and calm like she was having a normal conversation. When she finally stopped all the glowing marks on her flowed to her stave, she aimed in and fired off the immense magic she had stored up. It hit Dumbledore like a fast ball to the gut and he flew back. He'd have flown out the window if his back hadn't hit the stone sill underneath the window. His head hit the pane of glass causing him to see stars.

Morag was panting hard, she knew using this spell took a lot out of her and Harry did warn her not to use it unless it was absolutely serious. She deemed this to be one of those times. After recovering for as spell she walked over to the unconscious form of Dumbledore. She bent down to check if he was unconscious, he was and that pleased her.

The Scottish witch then pulled out a small kit and began to draw runes all over Dumbledore's face. Once complete Morag stood up grinning. Another of the MacDougal creations. These runes, once activated would link minds though they could be used one way or two way depending on the runes made. The one Morag used the one-way method. She'd have access to Dumbledore's mind without him knowing at all. These runes bypassed any mental protections there were.

It really worked if you were pretty skilled in Occlumency since you needed a very organized mind to keep you mind separate from the mind you're linked up with.

Dumbledore For Mac Download

'Right that's done with' Morag said as she got up.

She left the office.

Dumbledore would make up with a massive headache and a large welt the size of a whiffle ball would be imprinted on his stomach and hurt like a bitch and would take much time to heal even with magic.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is a fictional character in J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter. We have seen him as the headmaster of the wizarding school, but that wasn’t enough the viewers want to see more of the wizarding world, and of course their beloved headmaster.

According to the source, the spin-off series will cover the years of Dumbledore’s life, from the events of fantastic beasts to Harry Potter. The streaming device is more focused on emphasizing young Albus Dumbledore.

Who Will Play The Role Of Dumbledore?

Jude Law will be seen as Dumbledore in the prequel series which is heading to HBO Max.

When The Series Will Release On HBO Max?

There are no confirmed updates yet, all these reports are still waiting for a confirmation. Even if the reports are true, it is highly unlikely for the series to come anytime soon.

No need to worry as the viewers will get to see Jude as Dumbledore in the upcoming ‘Fantastic beasts’ and ‘where to find them’. Jude was first seen as Dumbledore, in the film ‘The crimes of Grindelwald’.

According to We Got This Covered their sources are always reliable and are the same ones who told them that Justice League and a Justice League Dark Show will air months before it was even announced.

Dumbledore For Macbook

The pressure is on the third installment, as the second installment did not receive a good response from either critic’s or audience, however, the first film that came in 2016, was appreciated.

Let’s hope the series get confirmed soon, and we get to see more of the young Albus Dumbledore.