Nishiki Serial Number Location

Feb 21, 2008 Nishiki Serial Number Database As some you may be aware, I have been collecting Nishiki data for several years in an attempt to more accurately determine their age and create a timeline of models. I now have sufficient data sets and confidence to report the results for serial numbers from the 1970s to mid 1980s, however sufficient data is. Modern Cannondale bikes feature the bicycle's serial number on the underside of the frame: Location of the bar-coded serial number sticker The bicycle's serial number will be accompanied by a bar.

Here is an email I got from an actual employee of GT:

If the bike frame was manufactured at the Santa Ana CA facility, the first three or four digits of the serial number should be letters abbreviating the model or size of the frame such as 'XL', 'XXL', CR24, or something like that.

The next part of the serial number is eight numeric digits. The first four numbers should be a two digit month followed by a two digit year.

The last four digits are the serialization digits 0000 to 9999 depending on what number the frame was of the years production.

If the frame was made overseas in Taiwan, it gets more complicated. If the number starts with a K, the frame was made by Kinesis.

That's the only one I remember off the top of my head.

There were at least four companies in Taiwan that made the GT lines :

Robinson, Dyno, Powerlite and Auburn included)

The first digit would be a letter designating the factory that made the frame. There might also be a second letter digit specifying the factory that assembled the bike, if applicable. The model and year of production was also coded by a letter, so you won't be able to spot a two digit month and two digit year.
Before I left, I was writing a specification to standardize all of the serial numbers because GT was starting to send most of its US production to other US fabrication shops.
The information might also come in handy for deciphering other makes because the factories in Taiwan make bikes for a lot of different companies.
I am tinkering around with the idea of starting to make my own frames, kind of on a 'one-off' basis. I am also teaching welding at a local community college.
By the way, did I tell you that the guy ran GT's in house fabrication for the last ten years (he recently retired) was none other than Gilbert Axt. Who? Do you remember Race, Inc.? That was Gilbert.
He also did the original PK Ripper for SE Racing. History, man.
It might be a really cool thing if I can track down Gilbert now and interview him for you.
THAT is the kind of stuff that belongs in the BMX Museum!

Later. I'll write you when I get a chance. Dan Garcia

and here is the updates, thanks to love thegoose! (Michael S)
well we get a good bit of gt serials that could be identified by the owner, if they only had the tips that some of us have learned, so i will post what i know, and anyone with more knowledge can add to here we go.
here is an example to go by. on the dropout you have 'M1' followed by '08922198'..this one is simple.
M1 stands for 'mach one' that is your model gt.
it can also be a 'I' for interceptor and so on.
next on the serial is '0892' this is easy to decode too,
08 means 8th month, which would be august.
then you have '92' next in the lineup, this would be 1992
the last 4 digits, are your build number, this one would be the 2,198th one built.
Here is another example. if your serial is KGCG2297 this one gets a little complicated. but still easy once you learn the code to it.
the first letter is who made the frame itself, in this case it would be 'Kenisis', an overseas company.this could be replaced by another letter but at least we know what that one is there for.
next is the letter 'G'..this isnt always there, but if so, this is where it was assembled, (ever notice the built in usa sticker on your gt or dyno?) this is what that letter is there for. it wasnt made here, but was built here.
next is the letter 'C'..C is the 3rd letter in the alphabet, and march is the 3rd month, so march is the build month.
next is the letter 'G' this is the year. G is the 7th letter in the alphabet,
so this would be a 1987.
here is one more..your serial resembles this:f6030578.
to start, if you have a 'baseball' looking stamp behind your serial, this frame was made its not a pacific, so dont cry, or get mad...and lets continue.
on this serial, the first number is the last digit of the year, so 6 stands for 1986
next is '03'....this is the third month..which is march.
so you have a gt built in march of 1986.
but still use the museum as a guide to id the frame, cause sometimes you can find the year, but getting a posotive id on the model isnt possible without knowing which style frame you have.
this doesnt apply to new gt's, but hopefully some people with info on those will chime in. this isnt always going to match your serial, you may have a 'fake'..its not likely but it happens. also on earlier models this can differ. this is for the 2 most popular style serial's i see on here. also, common sense tells you that if you have a suspected 'gt' frame, look it up and compare it in the musuem, knowing which style frame you have will help with the process of id'ing your bike with the serial, especially if the serial has some damage that prevents you from getting the full number.
hopefully this bit of info can be used for everyone, and this will save you from those late nights sitting around waiting for a response to your post looking for an answer to the idendity to your gt...although i do feel smart and proud when i can answer these posts. well, thats it for me, if anyone else has info on serials or if you see a mistake in this guide, tell me so i can edit it. happy holidays people.

Thanks to Tom Marshall (T-Mar) from Bikeforums for this information.

The guide is not necessarily comprehensive, as it only represents what has been collected and decrypted. The level of confidence in the decryption is high, unless otherwise stated, though it is dynamic and may not be 100% accurate. Contract manufactured brands are cross-reference to the manufacturer. The nationality of the brand owner ( pre- 1990) is stated in parentheses. Anybody having any further data, insight or corrections can contact me via the forum’s private message process. Hopefully, it is self-explanatory with the use of the following legend:

F indicates an alpha character designating the fortnight (i.e. A= weeks 1-2, B=weeks 3-4,….Z = weeks 51-52)

M indicates an alpha character designating the month (i.e. A = January, B= February,… L = December)

Y indicates an alpha character designating the year . The year that corresponds to a particular alpha character can vary significantly. The specific convention will be listed under the manufacturer entry.

mm indicates two numeric characters designating the month (i.e. 01 = January, 02=February,….. 12= December)

y indicates a numeric character designating the last digit of the year (i.e. 1 = 1971 or 1981, 2 = 1972 or 1982, etc.). With such codes, you have to determine the decade based on frame characteristics, components, etc.

yy indicates two numeric characters designating the last two digits of the year (i.e. 81 = 1981, 82= 1082, etc.)

xxxx indicates a numeric characters designating the sequential frame number within a the fortnight, month or year. This number string is typically four to six characters in length but can vary.

AMERICAN EAGLE (USA): see Kawamura.

AMERICAN FLYER (USA): see Kuwahara.

APEX (USA): See Kuwahara

APOLLO (Canada): See Kuwahara.

A-PRO (Taiwan): Insuffcient data.

ARAYA (Japan): ARYMyxxxxx

AZUKI (USA): See Kawamura, Kuwahara, Giant.

BIANCHI (Italy): See Hodaka, KHS, S(1)

BONTEKOE (Netherlands): see Miki

BRIDGESTONE (Japan): Myxxxxx & Fyxxxxx.
Grant Peterson, who was designer for Bridgestone starting in the mid-1980s, has stated that the alpha character is a month indicator, however, apparent fortnight indicators a high as “T” have been seen as early as 1973. The formats are easily confused with Miyata.

CAMPANIA (?): See K(1), S(1), Y(1).

CENTURION (USA): See Fairly, Katakura, Matsu****a, Mikki, N(1), Tano, U(1).

CENTURION (Germany): see Merida, Java Perdana

CHIMO (Canada): Insufficient data.

C. ITOH (Japan): See Bridgestone.

Nishiki Serial Number Location

CONCORD (USA): See Dodsun, Kuwahara.

CORSARO (USA): See Nissan

CYCLONE (Japan): Insufficient data.

CYCLE PRO (USA): See Dodsun, Kawamura.

D(1) (Japan): DyFxxxxx or DyMxxxxx. Inusffient data to determine if 3rd character is a fortnight or month indicator. Identity unknown but since format turns up primarily on Zebfrakenko and Zebra, it may be Kenko.

DIAMOND BACK (USA): See Fairly, N(1), U(1).

DODSUN (Taiwan): Insufficient data, but format appears to be DSBMymmxxxx(x) & DSym mxxxx(x) based on limited small size.

EDDY MERCKX (Belgium): See Miyata.

EMPEROR (Japan): Insufficient data.

FAGLUM (Sweden): See Miki

FAIRLY (Taiwan): Fymmxxx(xx)

FEDERAL (Indonesia); Insufficient data but starts with FC. First numeral may be year indicator. Also see Kuwahara.

FERRARE (Japan): Insufficient data.

FOCUS (Japan); See Araya

FUJI (Japan): P designates assumed production facility codes with known characters including F.G. I,J, K and M.

1971-1974: PyMxxxx, where years are based on the Imperial Japanese Calendar (i.e. 6 = Showa 46 = 1971, 7 = Showa 47 = 1972, 8 = Showa 48 = 1973, 9 = Showa 49 = 1974).

1975-1979: yyMxxxxx

1980-1989: PMyxxxxx

1984-1986 Special Series: Myxx(x)

GENERAL (USA): See Merida

Nishiki Serial Number Location

GIANT (Taiwan):

1978-1986: Gmmyy on rear dropout.

1987-1989: GFyxxxxx

GITANE (France): See Nissan

GT (USA): See Hodaka, Fairly.

HIRAME (Japan): See Kuwahara

HODAKA (Taiwan): HyMxxxxx

HUNTER (?): See Yamaguchi

INTERNATIONAL (Canada ): See Bridgestone

ITOH (USA): See Bridgestone.

Serial Number

JAMIS (USA): See Fairly, Hodaka.

JAVA PERDANA (Indonesia): JPyFxxxx Due to insufficient data, fortnight indicator may be a month indicator.

JET (?); See Bridgestone.

JUPITER KING (Japan): See Sank.
K(1) (Japan): KyMxxxxx Same as 1980s Fuji format. Possible Fuji division or contractor.

KABUKI (Japan, USA): See Bridgestone, Nissan.

KAMRA (japan): See Kawamura

KATAKURA (Japan): KMyxxxxx Format easily confused with Kawamura.


Pre-1975: KSxxxxxx

1975-1987: PYxxxxx, where P indicates the market (A = Australia, C = Canada, E = Europe, K = USA 1975-1984 and late 1980s non-ferrous frames, W = USA 1985-1987). Y designates year where E = 1975, F= 1976,…. J=1980, then A = 1981, B=1982, … G= 1987. Easily confused with Katakura format.

KENSTAR (Taiwan?): Insufficient data.

KENT (Taiwan?): Insufficient data.

KHS (Taiwan): ymmxxxxx. See also U(1).

KING (USA?): Insufficient data.

KOBE (USA): Insufficient data but some may be Bridgestone manufacture.

KOGA-MIYATA (Netherlands); See Miyata

KUWAHARA (Japan): yy mmxxxx(x) Also see Federal.


LOTUS (USA): See Pacific, Tsunoda, Yamaguchi.

M(1): Unknown manufacturer, frame date code format appears to be MCAmmyy

MAIKO (USA?): See Kawamura, Kuwahara, Giant.

MARUISHI (Japan): Unknown, but format appears to be Y?xxxxx based o n very limited sample size. Year indicators appear to be A =1971,1981,etc, , B = 1972, 1982, etc. Second alpha character appears to be either fortnight or month indicator. Easily confused with Tsunoda.

MATSURI (?): See Nissan.

MATSU****A/NATIONAL (Japan): yMxxxxx

MERIDA (Taiwan): Insufficient data, but format appears to be MyMxxxx(x) based on limited sample size. Month indicator could turn out to be fortnight indicator. Also reported to use My??xxxx, where ?? is two letters. Somes uses a space or hyphen in front of xxxx number string. Easily confused with Miki , use country of origin decal, if present, to identify,

MIELE (Canada): See S(1).

MIKI (Japan): MyFxxxx

BF member Hummer believes 3rd caracter is a month indcator using A to M, with I omitted.

MIYATA (Japan):

1972-1984: Yxxxxxx, where A = 1972, B= 1973,….M= 1984.


1985-1989: YFxxxxx, where N=1985, O = 1986,…S=1990.

Format change occurred in late 1984, during model year change. Easily confused with Bridgestone.

See also U(1) for some late 1980s contract manufactured models.

MITZUTANI (Japan): Insufficient data.

MONGOOSE (USA): Insufficient data.

MOTIONCRAFT (?): See Miki.

NIKO (USA); Niko was the private label brand of retail and mail order store Bikecology. Owner, Alan Goldsmith, also worked for Western States Imports (Centurion) . While I have no Niko serial numbers, 1980s Niko models do strongly resemble Centurion and owners are suggested to check the serial number formats of Centurion contractors.

NISHIKI (USA): See Araya, Dodsun, Fairly, Giant, Katakura, Kawamura, S(4)

NISSAN (Japan): YFxxxxxN based on limited size. All end with ‘N’, which is believed to represent Nissan Cycles, which appears on a sticker on some bicycles. The first alpha character appears to be the year with C = 1980.

Nishiki Serial Number Location 1

NASHBAR (USA): see Maruishi

NORCO (Canada): See Dodsun, Kawamura, Miki, Yamaguchi.

NOVARA (USA): See Fairly, N(1).

N(1) (Japan): NyFxxxx Manufacturer unknown. Some members believe that the ‘N’ prefix designates National but given that Panasonic and the Japanese manufactured Schwinns that came from Matsu****a/National do not use this format, it seems unlikely. There is evidence suggesting Tano, the major supplier to WSI/Centurion, though the format is different from that use in the 1970s.

BF member Hummer believes that the 3rd character is a month indicator with the 12 months being represented by A, B, D, E, G, H, K, L, M, N, P & S.

PACIFIC (Taiwan): Pyxxxxxx

PANASONIC (Japan): See Matsu****a.

PARKPRE (USA): Insufficient data.

PEUGEOT (France): See Araya, Merida

PISCEAN (Taiwan?): Insufficient data.

RALEIGH (UK): See Merida, Miki, N(1).


RENSHO (Japan): Insufficient data.

REX/REX II (Japan): Insufficient data. AKA Criterium Rex, the head badges on these bicycles denote Araya manufacture. They appear to be 1970s forerunners of the Araya branded bicycles of the early 1980s, but with a different serial number format. The format is similar to Bridgestone & Miyata, though frame characteristics, notably the distinctive seat stay caps, are different.

ROYCE UNION (Netherlands): Insufficient data.

S(1) (Japan): MSyxxxxx

S(2) (Japan): SyFxxxx

S(3) (Japan): sMyxxxxx

S(4) (Japan): Sy mm xxxx(x)

SAINT TROPEZ (?): Insufficient data.

SAKAI (Canada): See Miki, Yamaguchi

SANKI (Japan): Symmxxxx based on very few samples, low confidence

SANWA (USA): See Dodsun. Miki

SAVOY (?): Insufficient data but based on head badge, appears to be a sister brand to Royce Union.

Nishiki Serial Number Location Number

SCHWINN (USA): See Bridgestone, Giant, Matsu****a, S(3).

SCOTT (USA): See Fairly.

SEKAI (USA 1974-1983, Canada 1984-1990): See Dodsun, Fairly, Fuji, K(1), Matsu****a, Miki, Yamamguchi, Y(1).

SEKINE (Japan): Insufficient data, but format appears to be Ym(m) xxxx(x) based on limited sample size. Year indicators appear to be V= 1972 or 1973, W = 1973 or 1974, etc.

SENATOR (?): Insufficient data.

SHIMANO (Japan): Shimano manufactured complete bicycles from September 1950 to May 1954 but these are extremely rare. After that, Shimano would commission frames to build up and use for displays at bicycle shows but these were generally high end models. Most Shimano bicycles that surface have been rebranded by their owners. Consequently, there is too much variation in serial number formats to list.

SHOGUN (Japan): See Merida, Mikki, S(1), S(2), N(1), Yamaguchi.

SILK (Japan): See Katakura.

SKYWAY (Japan): See Bridgestone

SOMA (USA?): See Kuwahara.

SPECIALIZED (USA): See Giant, Miyata, S(1)

SPEEDWAY (USA): See Kuwahara

SR (?): See Araya, Miki.

STEVE BAUER (Canada): See Yamaguchi

SUCHIA (?): Insufficient data.

SUPERCYLE (Canada): See Bridgestone


TAKARA (USA): See Fuji, Kuwahara, S(1), S(4), Y(1).

TANO (Japan): not yet decoded

TEAM CHANCE (Canada): See Hodaka

TSUNODA (Japan): Unknown, but format appears to be YFxxxxx though correlation for Y has not been determined. Some members believe that Tsunoda was only a trading company and not a manufacturer but Lotus bicycles often have labels stating “Made by Tsunoda Japan” and similar statements can be found in Lotus literature. Easily confused with Maruishi format.

U(1) (?): Uymmxxxxx Manufacturer unknown. These codes start appearing on Centurion and Diamond back models in the very late 1980s. It is known that China Bicycle Company started supplying entry level models to Western State Imports at this time, just before acquiring WSI in late 1989 and this would appear to be the logical manufacturer but bicycles with this S/N format have been reported with Made in Taiwan labels and CBC was located in China.

UNION (Netherlands): see Miki

UNIVEGA (USA): See Merida, Miyata, Dodsun, Giant.

UNIVERSITY (?): Insufficient data.

VENTURA (?): Insufficient data.

VISTA (USA): See Araya.

Nishiki Serial Number Location Engine

VOLKSCYCLE (USA): Insufficient data.


Nishiki Bicycle Serial Number

Y(1) (Japan):Yyy mmxxxxx Manufacturer unknown but circumstantial evidence indicates it may be the pre-1980 Yamaguchi format.

Y(2) (Japan): YLyMxxxx Manufacturer unknown but may be for Yamaguchi aluminum frames as these typcially surface on brands of aluminum frames who used Yamaguchi as a source for their aluminum frames.

YAMAGUCHI (Japan): YyMxxxx. To date there have 11 letter codes reported for the 3rd character (A though N, shipping D, I & J), so it is believed to be a month code. Of the 3 missing codes, D is probably the legitimate code.

There has been some speculation whether Yamaguchi is the manufacturer for this format but samples have been reported with Yamaguchi labels.

YOKOTA (Japan): Insufficient data.

ZEBRA (Japan?): See D(1).

ZEBRAKENKO (Japan):See D(1).