Scp Containment Breach Door

Object ClassSafe
SCP LinkSCP-860
Containment Chamber
  1. Scp Containment Breach Door Code
  2. Scp Containment Breach Apkpure
  3. Scp Containment Breach Windows 10

SCP-860, or the 'Blue Key', is an SCP object that can be obtained in SCP - Containment Breach.

  • 3SCP-860-1
  • 4SCP-860-2

Description[edit | edit source]

It does require a Level 3 Keycard to get in, and unlike SCP:SL, the door before the Blast Door is actually the Keycard Hazard, that blocks you from getting in. After the CDC Containment Area (includes SCP-173), is a Tesla Gate. Tesla Gates don't work like you think they do. SCP Janitorial Work DEMO v0.1 Nov 7 2020 Demo 22 comments. Set during the events of SCP - Containment Breach, you assume the role of a member of the janitor crew. Certain tasks lie ahead, and you must complete. SCP - Containment Breach is a first-person indie survival horror game. It is based upon the SCP Foundation wiki. You play as D-9341, one of many Class-D test subjects used by the SCP Foundation, an organization dedicated to containing and safe-guarding anomalous creatures and artifacts from the rest of the world. The game opens with D-9341 waking up and being pulled from his cell to begin.

SCP-860 is a dark blue key of unremarkable shape. It can fit in any door lock that requires a key located in the area of the given coordinates, and will function identically to the correct key for that lock. It only works on door locks, and only if they are attached to a door; it will not work on any other type of locking device.

When SCP-860 is used to unlock and open a door, the door does not lead to its usual destination. Instead, it opens into SCP-860-1.

In-game[edit | edit source]

SCP-860 can be found in a storage chamber along with SCP-714 and SCP-1025. Its storage room can be accessed with a level 3 keycard. It can be used to open the wooden door in SCP-860's testing chamber to take the player to SCP-860-1.

This SCP has music relating to it.

SCP-860-1 is a location that can be reached utilizing SCP-860.

Description[edit | edit source]

SCP-860-1 is a small forest clearing centered on an 80 cm wide footpath surrounded by a grove enveloped in blue-colored mist.

As soon as any person enters SCP-860-1, the door automatically closes. From inside SCP-860-1, the door appears attached to an infinite concrete wall, and is locked. The trail inside SCP-860-1 usually leads to another door attached to another infinite concrete wall. This second door leads to the normal destination room of the door on which SCP-860 was used.

A number of anomalous events and creatures have been sighted in SCP-860-1.

In-game[edit | edit source]

Upon being brought into SCP-860-1, the player will be faced with a dirt path in front of them. The path itself is linear with a few forks in the road along the way, with one of the paths leading to a dead end. Several notes left by Izumi Junko can be found along the trail. In addition, she can occasionally be seen in SCP-860-1, peering at the player with glowing yellow eyes from behind the trees.

Eventually the player will reach the other door, but SCP-860-2 will constantly be stalking them throughout the entire area, so it is advised that the player keep an eye out for it.

This creature does not have an official name. It has therefore been given a conjectural name which should not be mistaken as canon.
This SCP has music relating to it.

SCP-860-2, also unofficially referred to as 'The Guardian', and 'The Forest Beast', is a creature which lives in SCP-860-1.

Description[edit | edit source]

SCP-860-2 is a large feline creature that walks on four legs with bark-like skin and dull gray vegetation covering most of its body. It has a long, broad tail, pointed ears, and bright yellow symbols on its chest and head. In addition, its eyes are bright enough to be seen in 860-1's dense fog. It is predatory in nature and will display hostility toward anything within 860-1.

In-game[edit | edit source]

SCP-860-2 will stalk the player throughout the forest. It can occasionally be seen watching them through the trees. If the player tries to approach 860-2 while it is docile, it will dash away back into the forest.

If the player takes too long to maneuver through the forest, SCP-860-2 will jump out from the trees and onto the path to chase the player and try to kill them. It runs at the same speed as the player and can kill them in one strike, so it is almost impossible to avoid SCP-860-2 once it is agitated.


Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • SCP-860 as shown in the player's inventory.

  • The Wooden Door.

  • Upon opening.

  • The exit and entrance to SCP-860-1.

  • A fork in the path.

  • A dead end path.

  • SCP-860-2 stalking the player amongst the trees.

  • SCP-860-2's eyes in the distance.

  • A close-up of SCP-860-2.

  • SCP-860-2's concept art.

  • Agent Izumi Junko as she appears in SCP-860-1.

  • SCP-860's document.

  • SCP-860-1's document.

  • SCP-860 as it appears in the loading screen.

SCP-049 • SCP-106 • SCP-173 • SCP-939 • SCP-966
SCP-008 • SCP-012 • SCP-079 • SCP-096 • SCP-205 • SCP-895 • SCP-970 • SCP-1025 • SCP-1048-A • SCP-1499
SCP-035 • SCP-066 • SCP-372 • SCP-513 • SCP-682 • SCP-860 • SCP-990 • SCP-1048 • SCP-1123
SCP-148 • SCP-294 • SCP-427 • SCP-500 • SCP-714 • SCP-914 • SCP-1162
SCP-178 • SCP-513-1 • SCP-650 • SCP-689 • SCP-1074
List of Rooms
Hallways • Lockroom • Security Gateway • End Rooms • Tesla Coil Hallway • Checkpoint Rooms • Pocket Dimension • SCP-860-1 • SCP-1499 Landscape
Containment Chambers
SCP-008 • SCP-012 • SCP-035 • SCP-049 • SCP-079 • SCP-106 • SCP-173 • SCP-205 • SCP-372 • SCP-500 and SCP-1499 (Containment Room 5) • SCP-513 • SCP-714, SCP-860 and SCP-1025 (SCP Storage Chamber) • SCP-895 • SCP-914 • SCP-966 • SCP-1123 • SCP-1162
Light Containment Zone
Class-D Cells • Intro Office • Storeroom • T-Shaped Lockroom • Small Testing Room • SCP-970 Hallway • Storage Area 6 • Archive Room • Surveillance Room
Heavy Containment Zone
Metal Corridors • Grated Hallway • Gas Catwalk • Three-Way Gas Catwalk • Four-Way Gas Catwalk • Elevator Machine Room • Large Testing Chamber • Small Server Room • Maintenance Tunnels • Warhead Room
Entrance Zone
Basic Office • 2-Level Office • Large Office • Head Office • Doctors Quarters(Dr. Maynard's Office • Dr. Harp's Office • Dr. Gears's Office) • Conference Quarters(Dr. L.'s Office • Conference Room) • Shared Conference Room • Cafeteria • Electrical Center • Server Farm • Server Hub • Toilets • Elevator Lounge • Medical Bay • SCP-096's Lockroom • SCP-860's Testing Chamber
Conference Room • SCP-178 • SCP-689's Containment Chamber • SCP-1074's Testing Chamber
Retrieved from ''

Item #: SCP-004

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: When handling items SCP-004-2 through SCP-004-13, proper procedure is vital. The items are not permitted to be moved off-site unless accompanied by two Level 4 security personnel. Under no circumstances should any other component of SCP-004 be taken through SCP-004-1. The effects of doing so are as yet unknown, and the current cost of experimentation makes further research impractical. Should any of the objects contained within SCP-004-1 breach containment, or the facility be breached, the keys must be brought inside and the door closed prior to activation of Site 62’s on-site warhead. Unauthorized removal of keys from the testing area is grounds for immediate termination.


Level 1 clearance is required for basic access to SCP-004-1; Level 4 clearance is required for use of SCP-004-2 to -13.

Description: SCP-004 consists of an old wooden barn door (SCP-004-1) and a set of twelve rusted steel keys (SCP-004-2 through SCP-004-13). The door itself is the entrance to an abandoned factory in [DATA EXPUNGED].

Chronological History

07/02/1949: A group of three juveniles trespassing on federal property near ██████████ find the door. According to their testimony, they found a set of rusted keys in an iron lockbox and determined what door the keys unlock. The juveniles are taken into custody after they contact Sheriff █████████████████ when one of their friends (SCP-004-CAS01) goes missing.

07/03/1949: Local authorities find the severed right hand of SCP-004-CAS01 eight kilometers from SCP-004-1. Other parts of SCP-004-CAS01's body are found scattered as far as 32 km from the factory. Under interrogation, the apprehended juveniles tell authorities that upon opening the door with one of the keys, SCP-004-CAS01 was torn into several pieces, each of which disappeared. At this point, the SCP Foundation takes over the investigation.

07/04/1949: SCP Agent █████ obtains the keys from the local authorities to begin testing. Tests show that SCP-004-2 through SCP-004-13 all fit into a single lock on the large barred door. 12 Class D personnel are assigned to test the effects of the door. Of the twelve test subjects each trying a different key to enter the room, only two survive. Opening the door with any key except SCP-004-7 or SCP-004-12 caused the test subjects to be torn apart in multiple directions; however, no dismembered parts were found until later. At the time of writing, only two parts of each subject have been recovered (with the exception of the subject using SCP-004-█, whose pieces were scattered in close proximity). The others have, for all intents and purposes, vanished from existence.

Of the two surviving subjects, only one (having used SCP-004-7) returned unharmed. The other came back in a near-catatonic state, able only to remove himself from the room and then collapse on the floor, and had to be restrained to prevent him from gouging out his eyes (see Appendix A: Mental Health Effects of SCP-004). The subject using SCP-004-7 said that he had entered a large room, impossibly big for the size of the attached building. After his exit, SCP-004-1 was propped open and an armed squad of Level 3 personnel entered. The size of the room is impossible to measure and the door frame and the individuals in the room are the only part of the room that can be felt or illuminated.

07/16/1949: The juvenile suspects and Sheriff █████████████████ are terminated.

08/02/1949: █████████████████ is declared a hazardous area 'due to unexploded ordnance' and fences erected in order to prevent civilian ingress. Tests to determine safety of exposure to environment behind SCP-004-1 begin.

12/01/1950: Space-time anomalies resulting from exposure to SCP-004 are confirmed. Testing is suspended until further notice.


07/02/19██: The unaccounted-for remains of SCP-004-CAS01 appear unexpectedly outside SCP-004-1. Despite being killed decades before, the remains of SCP-004-CAS01 are not decomposed in any manner and are still warm to the touch. Blood remains uncoagulated. The remains are remanded for testing.

07/04/19██: The unaccounted-for remains of one of the twelve (12) original test subjects appear in similar manner to those of SCP-004-CAS01. The remains have been designated SCP-004-CAS02. Records suggest that both SCP-004-CAS01 and CAS02 used SCP-004-██.

03/21/1999: With the massive proliferation of nuclear weapons and World War III only ██ years away, construction has begun on a site inside SCP-004-1. The site is to stock supplies for ███████ person-days.

04/21/1999: █████████████████ has ordered the site inside SCP-004-1 to be expanded to include emergency storage for all mobile SCP-███ specimens and a ██-petabyte database for the storage of all SCP data. The facility is now referred to as Site-62.

09/25/2000: Site-62 is operational. Labs and containment units are complete and can contain the most dangerous specimens. Backup of the SCP database has begun.

Scp Containment Breach Door

01/25/2001: Due to time anomalies (see “Space-Time Anomalies” below), all personnel working at Site-62 are now required to reside on-site permanently. Families of personnel are to be informed that loved ones perished in an industrial accident. Cloned bodies have been prepared for funeral.

08/14/2003: Massive power outage across Northeast United States and through Canada. Due to the initial failure of multiple SCP generators, Site-62 was without power for fifty-three (53) minutes. During those fifty-three (53) minutes, those on site were completely without any source of light. They reported 'sensing' creatures and people, although no abnormal entities could be seen or felt. Selected facility personnel were allowed to read ████████████ (Appendix A) and said the creatures 'sensed' were of humanoid size but otherwise similar to the massive green creature described.

Space-Time Anomalies

SCP-004 seems to propagate spatiotemporal anomalies. Personnel leaving the facility report losing time. Those who have been in the site for weeks insist that they had only been in the facility for several days, and records of work completed and supplies consumed support their claims. Other temporal anomalies involve SCP-004-2 through -13, especially the reappearance of SCP-004-CAS01 and SCP-004-CAS02 exactly ██ years after using SCP-004-██. ████████████████████ has been assigned to investigate all aspects of these time anomalies. Spatial anomalies include the impossibly large dimensions of the area opened by SCP-004-7. Similarly, the 2003 blackout incident suggests that there exists an alternate plane of existence within the same space that Site-62 occupies.

Additional Notes

Testing on SCP-004 reveals that ten of the keys open SCP-004-1 on a dimension where the laws of physics and topology are significantly different than those of our home dimension. Test subjects meeting these hostile conditions are torn apart, their body parts deposited in various locations, only three of which have been verified to be on Earth. Material deposited at two of these points appears immediately; material deposited at the third appears exactly ██ years into the future. The other seven locations are currently unknown.

Current testing focuses on two avenues of research. The first is finding ways to survive SCP-004’s hostile topologies. The second [DATA EXPUNGED] suggest that SCP-004-2 through -13 may open doors other than SCP-004-1.

Appendix A: Mental Health Effects of SCP-004-12

Scp Containment Breach Door Code

All Class D personnel using SCP-004-12 return in a catatonic state, unable to speak. Some may have enough energy left to try to claw out their eyes. Of the 16 subjects, only 4 have survived. Only one has regained speech, following long-term psychotherapy. He was able to tell the psychiatrist that he saw a massive green creature, so large that much of its body extended beyond his field of view. He reported innate fear and sudden recognition, “as if it were something buried deep in [his] primal fears,” and forced implantation of “incomprehensible” memories. Subject displays acute anterograde and retrograde amnesia.

Appendix B: Additional Information

Scp Containment Breach Apkpure

Item #: SCP-004-14

Date of Discovery: 09/02/1950

Origin of Object: Object was discovered elsewhere in factory area, in the previously undiscovered manager's office.

Description: Object appears as a large, unvarnished wooden box. The box may be unlocked by the 'safe' key, SCP-004-7, as well as five of the 'unsafe' keys (see Document SCP-004-1).

Scp Containment Breach Windows 10

Upon unlocking SCP-004-14 with SCP-004-7, the box opens automatically on hinges. The volume of the space inside is precisely five times greater than the outer dimensions imply. Items placed within while the lid remains open do not affect the weight or any other properties of the box. When the lid is closed and locked, however, all items inside vanish irretrievably. Personnel locked inside the box are also irretrievable, although losing personnel in this fashion appears to affect significantly the dreams experienced by [DATA EXPUNGED].